10 December 2009

Farmville Extreme Manager | Automate your tasks in Farmville! | Farmville Hacks

Farmville Extreme Manager

Farmville is extremely addictive!!  However, it really takes time to perform Farm tasks. How would you like it if you can automate your Farmville tasks, letting you do that things you want to do yet thrive in Farmville? 

If Yes is your answer, then Farmville Extreme Manager is right for you.  This is the best Farmville Hack tool/utility.  You'll be able to manage your farm and level up faster and easier in Farmville than ever.
With Farming Extreme Manager you can:

- Automatically Harvest, Plow and Plant your farm!
- Automatically Collect from your Animals!
- Automatically Harvest your Trees
- Automatically Accomplish Ribbons!
- Automatically help every neighbor and fertilize their farms!
- Level Up Really Fast using the plow/plant/destroy trick! (Up to 80,000 exp per day!)
- Automatically repeat everything indefinitely!
(you can plant multiple times while you sleep. The application will close every pop-up message that shows up and even reloads your farm in case of an out-of-sync error)

You can download the tools below:

Farmville Autohacker (Download Here)
Microsoft .Net 3.5 (Download Here)
Farming Extreme Manager 3

FarmVille Stacking Tutorial | Farmville Stacking Techniques

Farmville Stacking Tutorial.  I have posted multiple entries regarding How to Stack Fences in Farmville -- hay bales too!  For those people who don't know this Farmville Stacking Technique categorized under Farmville Tricks, here a stacking tutorial plus pictures!

This Farmville stacking technique is actually an illusion.  It uses Farmville's 3D environment in the isometric view to achieve the stacking effect.

Check the pictures and Farmville Stacking Video Tutorial so you can use it for your farm.

Elephants Storage and Hay Bale Storage
by Vio

Floating Hales Illusion
by Charizard

Elevation with fences
by Daboo

by nizar dirawi

Here's the Video Tutorial on How to Stacking Hay Bales in Farmville:

Farmville Cheats - Facebook Farmville Cheat, Tricks, Glitches and Hacks

acebook games are becoming increasingly popular. To get ahead, people are trying to look for cheats, tricks, glitches and hacks that could get them to advance faster in the game. One of the most popular games is Zynga's "Farmville." Farmville cheats and tricks are becoming demand. Good thing Bryan's Blog is here to provide you the cheats and tricks in Farmville that you are looking for. Some other Facebook game cheats you may find in Bryan's Blog are Farm Town, Pet Society, Restaurant City, Mafia Wars, Happy Aquarium and Yoville.

Bryan's Blog tries to provide you the Facebook game tips and tricks that you are looking for. Everyday, the site is updated to show new cheats on Farmville games so I urge you to check the ite regularly. Here are Famville cheats that you may find useful:

How to Increase Farmville Experience Level Cheat:

For this cheat, you will need 10 plots that are empty or need to be plowed. After that, calculate how much money you will be needing to plant what you really want to harvest (examplefor exam watermelons that take 4 days to harvest but sell for 348 FarmVille coins). Reserve 1300 FarmVille coins for seeds planting and 150 coins for plowing those future watermelon plots, you will be not planting watermelons right away in these plots so be patient. To start this FarmVille cheat that really works, plow your 10 plots and buy soybeans. It will cost 150 coins to plow and 150 coins to plant soybeans, but delete those plot using the shovel tool immediately after seeds have been planted.

You might wonder why you need to delete those lpots in order to gain experience level points. The reason behind it is because, plowing and planting soybeans will gain you 30 points on those 10 plots. You can repeat this cheat process, each time it will cost 300 FarmVille coins in order plow and plant, then delete using the shovel. You will see your FarmVille experiences quickly increase and come closer to the next level. I know that it is your goal!

After you have accumulated all the wanted experiences and gained a new level, you can plant the exact seeds that you wanted to buy. Experience level FarmVille cheat can be done as quickly as you can plow, plant and delete. You can even expedite the process by using your harvester, tractor and seeder if you already have them.

See? Increasing your experience level in Farmville isn't that hard. I hope the Tips on increasing your Farmville experience points helped you. Please check the site back regularly for more Farmville Cheats, Tips and Tricks.

Facebook Farmville Cheats, Tips, Tricks and Codes

Farmville is a social game that I found on Facebook and currently played by a lot of my acquaintances and friends on the site. Its created by Zynga for iPhone and Facebook. Its considered to be one of the most popular game on Facebook as it reaches over 10 million players around the globe. My friends in school are actually very into it, that's why I try to look for cheat codes for this game so that I could help them with their farming venture on the said game.

Honestly, I am not into it. I prefer playing chess but I am trying to play Farmville so that I could manage to "relate" myself whenever they (my friends) are talking about it. Here's what I have found from the net regarding some cheat codes for Farmville (by the way I am not recommending that you use this cheats, use it at your own risk and discretion). Here's the video demonstrated in a video in Youtube, Good luck!:

This is a cool trick, must see:

For Farmville tips, tricks, cheats and other strategies to become an expert Farmville player, you can try the following recommended websites:

* FarmVille Wizard
* Farmville Secrets

FarmVille and FarmTown neighbors email list and tips !!!

eeing a lot of people putting their email addresses to get neighbors, I got the "non-profit" idea creating this page to organize it. This list works for any social game like Farmville, Farmtown, Cafe world, etc.... each person decide what accept and what ignore.

1. Copy the email list from last comment.
2. Go to "Friends" and then "Invite Friends" on top of Facebook.
3. Paste it in the "To" box and write a message like "Let's grow up our farms".
4. Everybody needs to be "Facebook Friends" before "Neighbors", then you need to wait until you are friends to add them like neighbors. You can delete them from friends after they are "Neighbors" (after you deleted them, they are going to stay inside the game but not in the Free Gift list), to keep them in the Free Gift list keep them like friends in Facebook, then, do what follows down to keep your Private Information safe.
!!! Important !!! : To keep your Private Information safe:
1. Go to Friends.
2. Create a List called "Neighbors".
3. Go to, on top, "Settings", "Privacy Settings" and "Profile".
4. In every option under "Profile", I mean: "Basic Info", "Personal Info", "Status and Links", etc.... select "Customize".
5. Below in "Except These People" select the "Neighbors" list you created in step 2.
6. Go to "Contact Information" on top of the page, next to "Basic" and do the same for all the options "IM Screen Name", "Mobile Phone", etc.....
7. After you invite ALL the list from the last post, and before somebody "accept" the friend request, go to "Friends" in Facebook and ADD all the "Friend Request Pending" people to the "Neighbors" list from step 2, then, when any of them accept your request is going to be in the list and is NOT going to access your Private Information (Tip: you can organize ALL your friends by lists, then, when you add a lot of people, they are going to be easy to identify because don't belong to any list and say "Add to list" in the right side).
8. Every time you add other No Friend Neighbor in the future, put him in the "Neighbors" list.
these is gonna keep your Information safe from No Friends Neighbors.
Remember BUILD the list, put your email under the another ones in a new comment.
This list is totally public, although, it's only purpose is contact FarmVille neighbors is your responsibility to put your email here. You can use it to get FarmVille neighbors and we aren't gonna use for some thing different. We'll organize the list once a day to make it easy for the next people.
We suggest you create a new email just for this purpose.
Put a comment when you have enough neighbors and want to delete your email from the list and we'll do it for you.
Personal cheats to advance levels so fast:
1. Don't buy anything else than strawberrys, blueberrys and blackberrys with 4 hours to get coins and xps or pumpkins, aloe, tomatoes and ghost chili with 6 or 8 hours when you need more time and to get coins majority, use the trees and animals you received like gift, don't buy them until you get to the end of the game. Buy the harvester, it is gonna help you in a rush to save dying crops ready to harvest. Buy the tractor and seeder if you want to invest real money in Fuel Refills. Use the whole terrain to plant crops and put gifts in the edge. After you reach the highest level, then, you can buy everything else like buildings and any stuff.
2. Activate your "MouseKeys", when you are "plowing", "seeding" or "harvesting" move your mouse over the crops and with your another hand press REPEATEDLY the number "5" key in the numeric keyboard. This is gonna allow you do everything so fast like painting (are you tired clicking the mouse like forever? you are gonna like this so so much). This additional info helped me a lot:
Return to left click mode = /

3. Use all your EXTRA money to buy and sell Hay Bales, this is the way to get a lot xps from coins.
4. Use this list to get a lot neighbors.
Let's grow up our Farms !!!!!!!!!!!!
